One of the most powerful features in ConvertKit

Have you used segments in ConvertKit? No? It seems like segments are often overlooked but they're really powerful. In fact, I would say one of the more powerful features. 

With a segment you can stay organized while having dozens of tags that are helping to get a really detailed picture of your subscriber's behavior, e.g. showing certain interests by clicking certain links. 

For a real world example, I set up a sequence prior to my course launch that was a free course. Each day subscribers received a link to a free video lesson and I set up link triggers to tag them when they clicked those links. 


I could then use those 3 tags to not only see how many subscribers clicked each link, but also in a segment to see who clicked all of them. Making this segment a group of highly interested leads. 


The best part is, it's a set it and forget it situation. Since segments auto update, this list of highly qualified leads can keep growing without any involvement from me, and when I'm ready to check in on them it's as easy as sending a broadcast to that segment or tagging them with something new to start another automation. 


Other examples of things segments are great for include:

- Customers - Put all of your product tags in one segment for easy access to ALL customers. 

- Open for Broadcast - Make a new segment that includes all subscribers and excludes specific sequences or tags you don't want new broadcasts to go out to. Then, when you send out a broadcast, only send to that segment.

- Different audiences - Do you have multiple audiences (e.g. clients and students)? Make a segment for each and include everything that applies to that audience including forms, tags, sequences, etc.


Have other uses? Share how you’ve used segments in the comments! 

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